The salon-style exhibition wall is a stylish and fun way to display a variety of artworks and curios. Characterized by a busy, almost jostling number of pieces that fit intricately but deliberately together, the salon style of exhibition was the format of choice at the Académie des Beaux-Arts in 1700s and 1800s Paris, arguably at the center of the western art world. The salon gallery wall is a dramatic method of displaying original works of art in a compelling and personal format, exhibiting a range of artworks and wall-mounted items that hold special meaning to the collector.
We have enjoyed assembling and installing these walls on a number of occasions, working with a clients specific needs to tailor make a display for any room. We find that mixing media helps the overall composition; paintings, drawings, prints, and sculptural elements lend a sense of multi-disciplinary appreciation to the overall effect, while mixing framed works with unframed pieces gives a sense of immediacy and variety. The benefit of this type of display is clear; each piece can be appreciated individually upon close inspection, but all combine to create an overall effect that is new and surprising.